Notes on the notes:

6. still: always.

7. To punish this offence in other faults: to find other faults in us to punish (as a way of getting back at us for defying him militarily).

8. Supposition: suspicion. stuck full of eyes: i.e., provided with many eyes, suspiciously inquisitive.

10. never so: be he never so; however.

11. wild trick: wild trait; i.e., trace of the characteristic wildness.

12. or sad: either sad.

18. an adopted name of privilege: i.e., a nickname (Hotspur) to justify his rash behavior.

19. spleen: irrational, intemperate impulse.

21. train: incite, draw, lure (into rebellion).

22. his corruption being ta'en from us: i.e., since his guilt originated in us.

23. spring: source.

26. Deliver: Report.

28. Deliver up: Release (as hostage; see 4.3.110-111). Westmoreland: The hostage mentioned at 4.3.108-109.

30. presently: at once.

31. defy him by: Send back your defiance with.

42. brave: proud, haughty.

43. engag'd: held as hostage.

49. Monmouth: A name for the Prince, taken from the Welsh town where he was born.

50. showed his tasking: appeared his giving the challenge.

52. urg'd: put forward, presented.

54. gentle: befitting noble birth. proof of arms: test of martial skill.

55. duties: due merits.

56. Trimm'd up your praises: adorned his praise of you.

59. By still dispraising praise valued in you: by consistently disparaging praise itself as not sufficient to measure your true worth.

61. cital: account, impeachment.

64. instantly: simultaneously,

66. envy: hostility, malice.

67. owe: own.

68. wantonness: playful sportiveness.

71. so wild a liberty: such reckless licentiousness.

74. shrink under my courtesy: (1) be daunted by my greater courtesy; (2) fall back before attack.

82-84. To spend that shortness basely were too long, / If life did ride upon a dial's point, / Still ending at the arrival of an hour: Life is too short to spend it basely, even if life were to last only the time needed for the dial (or sundial) to advance a single hour, ending when the hour is up.

86. brave: glorious.

87. for: as for. fair: just.

91. I profess not talking: I have no calling as an orator.

96. Esperance: The motto of the Percy family.

99. heaven to earth: i.e., I'll wager heaven against earth.