Twelfth Night,
Act 3, Scene 4, lines 5-6.

Note to Twelfth Night, 3.4.5-6., "Where is Malvolio? he is sad and civil, / And suits well for a servant with my fortunes."

Just before this Olivia was all a-twitter about the possibility of seeing and wooing Cesario. She was talking to herself about it, and then told herself, "I speak too loud." Now, speaking loud enough for Maria to hear, Olivia over-compensates, announcing that "sad and civil" (serious and decorous) Malvolio is the proper servant for her—the lady who has lost a brother, and who has vowed to mourn seven years for him. Also, she may be hoping that the presence of Malvolio will keep her "sad and civil," too.

Helena Bonham Carter as Olivia, 1996
Olivia in a blue dress