James I, King of Great Britain. Dæmonologie.
Edinburgh: Robert Walde-grave, 1597. Ed. G.B. Harrison. London: John Lane, 1924.

in the meane time, as by naming persones, whom-
with they mette, and giuing tokens quhat* purpose
was amongst them, whome otherwaies they could
not haue knowen: for this forme of journeing, they
affirme to vse most, when they are transported
from one Countrie to another.
   PHI. Surelie I long to heare your owne opini-
on of this: For they are like old wiues trattles about
the fire.* The reasons that moues me to thinke that
these are meere illusiones, ar these. First for them
that are transformed in likenes of beastes or foules,
can enter through, so narrow passages, although I
may easelie beleeue that the Deuill coulde by his
woorkemanshippe vpon the aire, make them ap-
peare to be in such formes, either to themselues or
to others: Yet how he can contract a solide bodie
within so little roome, I thinke it is directlie con-
trarie to it selfe, for to be made so little, and yet not
diminished: To be so straitlie drawen together,
and yet feele no paine; I thinke it is so contrarie to
the qualitie of a naturall bodie, and so like to the
little transubstantiat god in the Papistes Masse,
that I can neuer beleeue it. So to haue a quantitie, is
so proper to a solide bodie, that as all Philosophers
concludes, it cannot be any more without one,
then a spirite can haue one. For when PETER came
out of the prison, and the doores all locked
*: It was not by
any contracting of his bodie in so little roome: but
by the giuing place of the dore, though vn-espyed
by the Gaylors. And yet is there no comparison,
when this is done, betuixt the power of God, and