James I, King of Great Britain. Dæmonologie.
Edinburgh: Robert Walde-grave, 1597. Ed. G.B. Harrison. London: John Lane, 1924.

in the contrarie. And as to the effectes of these two
former partes, to wit, the consultationes and the
outward meanes, they are so wounderfull as I dare
not allege anie of them, without ioyning a suffici-
ent reason of the possibilitie thereof. For leauing
all the small trifles among wiues, and to speake of
the principall poyntes of their craft. For the com-
mon trifles thereof, they can do without conuer-
ting well inough by themselues: These principall
poyntes I say are these: They can make men or wo-
men to loue or hate other, which may be verie pos-
sible to the Deuil to effectuat, seing he being a sub-
tile spirite, knowes well inough how to perswade
the corrupted affection of them whom God will
permit him so to deale with: They can lay the sik-
nesse of one vpon an other, which likewise is verie
possible vnto him: For since by Gods permission,
he layed siknesse vpon IOB, why may he not farre
easilier lay it vpon any other: For as an old practi-
sian, he knowes well inough what humor* domines
most in anie of vs, and as a spirite hee can subtillie
walken vp* the same, making it peccant,* or to a-
bounde, as he thinkes meete for troubling of vs,
when God will so permit him. And for the taking
off of it, no doubt he will be glad to reliue such of
present paine, as he may thinke by these meanes to
perswade to bee catched in his euerlasting snares
and fetters. They can be-witch and take the life of
men or women, by rosting of the Pictures, as I
spake of before, which likewise is verie possible to
their Master to performe, for although, (as I saide