Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 5 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 60.

IULIUS     and on the sea coast next unto Rome, to cast great high bankes, 
CÆSAR     and to clense all the haven about Ostia, of rockes 
      and stones hidden under the water, and to take away all 
      other impedimentes that made the harborough daungerous 
      for shippes, and to make new havens and arsenalls meete to 
      harbor such shippes, as did continually trafficke thither. All 
      these thinges were purposed to be done, but tooke no effecte. 
Caesar re-     But, the ordinaunce of the kalender, and reformation of the 
formed the     yeare, to take away all confusion of time, being exactly cal- 
inequality of     ulated by the Mathematicians, and brought to perfection, 
the yeare.     was a great commoditie unto all men. For the Romanes 
      using then the auncient computacion of the yeare, had not 
      only such incertainty and alteracion of the moneth and times, 
      that the sacrifices and yearely feasts came by litle and litle 
      to seasons contrary for the purpose they were ordained: but 
      also in the revolution of the sunne (which is called Annus 
      Solaris) no other nation agreed with them in account: and 
      of the Romanes them selves, only the priests understood it. 
      And therefore when they listed, they sodainly (no man being 
      able to controll them) did thrust in a moneth, above their 
*Mercedo-     ordinary number, which they called in old time, *Merce- 
nius, mensis     donius. Some say, that Numa Pompilius was the first, that 
intercularis.     devised this way, to put a moneth betwene: but it was a 
      weake remedy, and did litle helpe the correction of the errors 
      that were made in the account of the yeare, to frame them 
      to perfection. But Caesar committing this matter unto the  
      Philosophers, and best expert Mathematicians at that time, 
      did set foorth an excellent and perfect kalender, more exactly 
      calculated, then any other that was before: the which the 
      Romanes doe use untill this present day, and doe nothing erre 
      as others, in the difference of time. But his enemies notwith- 
      standing that envied his greatnes, did not sticke to finde 
      fault withall. As Cicero the Orator, when one sayd, To 
      morow the starre Lyra will rise: Yea, sayd he, at the com- 
      maundement of Caesar, as if men were compelled so to say 
      and thinke, by Caesars edict. But the chiefest cause 
Why Caesar     that made him mortally hated, was the covetous desire he had to 
was hated.     be called king: which first gave the people just cause, and 
      next his secret enemies, honest colour to beare him ill will. 