Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 12.

MARCUS     them: Antonius ramped of her necke, and kissed her. We 
ANTONIUS     have told you this tale for examples sake onely, and so 
     could we also tell you of many such like as these. Nowe 
     when Caesar was returned from his last warre in Spayne, all 
     the chiefest nobilitie of the citie road many dayes jorney 
     from Rome to meete him, where Caesar made marvelous 
     much of Antonius, above all the men that came unto 
     him. For he alwayes tooke him into his coche with him, 
     through out all Italy: and behind him, Brutus Albinus, and 
     Octavius, the sonne of his Nece, who afterwards was called 
     Caesar, and became Emperor of Rome long time after. So 
Caesar, and     Caesar being afterwards chosen Consul the fift time, he im- 
Antonius,     mediatly chose Antonius his colleague and companion: and 
Consuls.     desired by deposing him selfe of his Consulship, to make 
     Dolabella Consul in his roome, and had already moved 
     it to the Senate. But Antonius did stowtly withstand it, 
     and openly reviled Dolabella in the Senate: and Dolabella 
     also spared him as litle. Thereuppon Caesar being ashamed 
     of the matter he let it alone. Another time also when 
     Caesar attempted againe to substitute Dolabella Consul in his  
     place, Antonius cryed out, that the signes of the birdes 
     were against it: so that at length Caesar was compelled to give 
     him place, and to let Dolabella alone, who was marvelously 
     offended with him. Now in truth, Caesar made no great 
     reckoning of either of them both. For it is reported that 
     Caesar aunswered one that did accuse Antonius and Dolabella 
     unto him for some matter of conspiracie: Tushe said he, they 
     be not those fat fellowes and fine comed men that I feare, 
     but I mistrust rather these pale and leane men, meaning 
     by Brutus and Cassius, who afterwards conspired his death, 
Antonius     and slue him. Antonius unwares afterwards, gave Caesars 
unwittingly     enemies just occasion and culler* to doe as they did: as you 
gave Caesars     shall heare. The Romanes by chaunce celebrated the feast 
enemies     called Lupercalia, and Caesar being apparelled in his triumph- 
occasion to     ing robe, was set in the Tribune where they use to make 
conspire     their orations to the people, and from thence did behold 
against him.     the sport of the runners. The manner of this running 
     was this. On that day there are many young men of noble 
     house, and those specially that be chiefe Officers for that 