Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 192.

MARCUS    and quenche the heate of their enterprise, the which speciallie 
BRUTUS    required hotte and earnest execucion, seeking by perswasion 
    to bring all thinges to suche safetie, as there should be no 
    perill. Brutus also did let other of his frendes alone, as 
    Statilius Epicurian, and Faonius, that made profession to 
    followe Marcus Cato. Bicause that having cast out wordes 
    a farre of, disputing together in Philosophie to feele their 
Civill warre    mindes: Faonius aunswered, that civill warre was worse 
worse then    then tyrannicall government usurped against the lawe. 
tyrannicall    And Statilius tolde him also, that it were an unwise parte 
government.    of him, to put his life in daunger, for a sight of ignoraunt 
    fooles and asses. Labeo was present at this talke, and main- 
    tayned the contrarie against them both. But Brutus helde 
    his peace, as though it had bene a doubtfull matter, and a 
    harde thing to have decided. But afterwardes, being out 
    of their companie, he made Labeo privie to his intent: who 
    verie readilie offered him selfe to make one. And they 
    thought good also to bring in an other Brutus to joyne 
    with him, surnamed Albinus: who was no man of his 
    handes him selfe, but bicause he was able to bring good 
    force of a great number of slaves, and fensers at the sharpe, 
    whome he kept to shewe the people pastime with their 
    fighting, besides also that Caesar had some trust in him. 
    Cassius and Labeo tolde Brutus Albinus of it at the first, 
    but he made them no aunswere. But when he had spoken 
    with Brutus him selfe alone, and that Brutus had tolde 
    him he was the chiefe ringleader of all this conspiracie: 
    then he willinglie promised him the best aide he coulde. 
    Furthermore, the onlie name and great calling of Brutus, 
    did bring on the most of them to geve consent to this 
The wonder-    conspiracie. Who having never taken othes together, nor 
full faith and    taken or geven any caution or assuraunce, nor binding them 
secresie of the    selves one to an other by any religious othes: they all kept 
Conspirators    the matter so secret to them selves, and coulde so cunninglie 
of Caesars    handle it, that notwithstanding the goddes did reveale it 
death.    by manifest signes and tokens from above, and by predic- 
    tions of sacrifices: yet all this woulde not be beleved. Nowe 
    Brutus, who knewe verie well that for his sake all the noblest, 
    valliantest, and most couragious men of Rome did venter 