Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 199.

     which in deede did the more increase the feare and tumult.MARCUS
     But when they saw they slue no man, nether did spoyle  BRUTUS
     or make havock of any thing: then certaine of the Senators,
     and many of the people imboldening them selves, went to
     the Capitoll unto them. There a great number of men being
     assembled together one after another: Brutus made an
     oration unto them to winne the favor of the people, and to
     justifie that they had done. All those that were by, sayd
     they had done well, and cryed unto them that they should
     boldly come downe from the Capitoll. Whereuppon, Brutus
     and his companions came boldly downe into the market
     place. The rest followed in trowpe, but Brutus went for-
     most, very honorably compassed in round about with the
     noblest men of the citie, which brought him from the
     Capitoll, thorough the market place, to the pulpit for
     orations. When the people saw him in the pulpit, although
     they were a multitude of rakehells of all sortes, and had a
     good will to make some sturre: yet being ashamed to doe it
     for the reverence they bare unto Brutus, they kept silence, to
     heare what he would say, When Brutus began to speake,
     they gave him quiet audience: howbeit immediatly after,
     they shewed that they were not all contented with the
     murther. For when another called Cinna would have spoken,
     and began to accuse Caesar: they fell into a great uprore
     among them, and marvelously reviled him. Insomuch that
     the conspirators returned againe into the Capitol. There
     Brutus being affrayd to be beseeged, sent back againe the
     noble men that came thither with him, thinking it no reason,
     that they which were no partakers of the murther, should
     be partakers of the daunger. Then the next morning the
     Senate being assembled, and holden within the temple of the
     goddesse Tellus, to wete the earth: and Antonius, Plancus,
     and Cicero, having made a motion to the Senate in that
     assembly, that they should take an order to pardon and
     forget all that was past, and to stablishe friendship and
     peace againe: it was decreed, that they should not onelyHonors de-
     be pardoned, but also that the Consuls should referre it tocreed for the
     the Senate what honors should be appoynted unto them.murtherers of
     This being agreed upon, the Senate brake up, and AntoniusCaesar.