Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 210.

MARCUS    cruell, who sought to rule men by feare, rather then with 
BRUTUS    lenitie: and on the other side he was too familiar with his 
Brutus gentle    friends, and would jest too brodely with them. But Brutus 
and fayer con-    in contrary manner, for his vertue and valliantnes, was well- 
dicions.    beloved of the people and his owne, esteemed of noble men, 
    and hated of no man, not so much as of his enemies: 
    bicause he was a marvelous lowly and gentle person, noble 
    minded, and would never be in any rage, nor caried away 
    with pleasure and covetousnes, but had ever an upright 
    mind with him, and would never yeeld to any wronge or 
    injustice, the which was the chiefest cause of his fame, of his 
    rising, and of the good will that every man bare him: for 
Brutus intent    they were all perswaded that his intent was good. For they 
good, if he    did not certainly beleve, that if Pompey him selfe had over- 
had over-    come Caesar, he would have resigned his authoritie to the 
comen.    law: but rather they were of opinion, that he would still 
    keepe the soverainty and absolute government in his hands, 
    taking onely, to please the people, the title of Consul or 
    Dictator, or of some other more civill office. And as for 
    Cassius, a hot, chollerick, and cruell man, that would often- 
    tymes be caried away from justice for gayne: it was certainly 
    thought that he made warre, and put him selfe into sundry 
    daungers, more to have absolute power and authoritie, then 
    to defend the libertie of his contry. For, they that will also 
    consider others, that were elder men then they, as Cinna, 
    Marius, and Carbo: it is out of doubt that the ende and 
    hope of their victorie, was to be Lordes of their contry: and 
    in manner they did all confesse that they fought for the 
    tyranny, and to be Lordes of the Empire of Rome. And in 
    contrary manner, his enemies them selves did never reprove 
    Brutus, for any such chaunge or desire. For, it was sayd 
Antonius    that Antonius spake it openly divers tymes, that he thought, 
testimonie    that of all them that had slayne Caesar, there was none but 
of Brutus.    Brutus only that was moved to doe it, as thinking the acte 
    commendable of it selfe: but that all the other conspirators 
    did conspire his death, for some private malice or envy, that 
    they otherwise did beare unto him. Hereby it appeareth, 
    that Brutus did not trust so much to the power of his 
    army, as he did to his owne vertue: as is to be seene by 