Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 217.

     to take thinges at the worst. Brutus in contrary mannerMARCUS
     aunswered, that he shoulde remember the Ides of Marche,BRUTUS
     at which tyme they slue Iulius Caesar: who nether pilledIulius Caesar
     nor polled the contrye, but onely was a favorer and subornerslayne at
     of all them that did robbe and spoyle, by his countenauncethe Ides of
     and authoritie. And if there were any occasion wherebyMarch.
     they might honestly sette aside justice and equitie: they
     should have had more reason to have suffered Caesars friendes,
     to have robbed and done what wronge and injurie they had
     would, then to beare with their owne men. For then saydeThe wonder-
     he, they could but have sayde they had bene cowards: andfull constancy
     nowe they may accuse us of injustice, beside the paynes weof Brutus, in
     take, and the daunger we put our selves into. And thusmatters of
     may we see what Brutus intent and purpose was. Butjustice and
     as they both prepared to passe over againe, out of Asiaequity.
     into Europe: there went a rumor that there appeared a
     wonderfull signe unto him. Brutus was a carefull man, andBrutus care
     slept very litle, both for that his dyet was moderate, as alsoand watch-
     bicause he was continually occupied. He never slept in theing.
     day tyme, and in the night no lenger, then the tyme he was
     driven to be alone, and when every bodye els tooke their
     rest. But nowe whilest he was in warre, and his heade ever
     busily occupied to thinke of his affayres, and what would
     happen: after he had slumbered a litle after supper, he spent
     all the rest of the night in dispatching of his waightiest
     causes, and after he had taken order for them, if he had
     any leysure left him, he would read some booke till the
     third watche of the night, at what tyme the Captaines, pety
     Captaines and Colonells, did use to come unto him. So,
     being ready to goe into Europe, one night very late (whenA spirit
     all the campe tooke quiet rest) as he was in his tent withappeared
     a litle light, thinking of waighty matters: he thought heunto Brutus
     heard one come in to him, and casting his eye towardsin the citie
     the doore of his tent, that he saw a wonderfull straunge andof Sardis.
     monstruous shape of a body comming towards him, and
     sayd never a word. So Brutus boldly asked what he was, a
     god, or a man, and what cause brought him thither. The
     spirit aunswered him, I am thy evill spirit, Brutus: and
     thou shalt see me by the citie of Philippes. Brutus beeing