Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 5 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 57.

     And so, with all the force he could make, having with muchIULIUS
     a doe put his enemies to flight: he slue above thirty thowsandCÆSAR
     of them in the fielde, and lost of his owne men a thowsand ofCaesars victory
     the best he had. After this battell he went into his tent,of the sonnes
     and told his frends, that he had often before fought forof Pompey.
     victory, but this last time now, that he had fought for the 
     safety of his owne life. He wanne this battell on the very 
     feast day of the Bacchanalians, in the which men say, that 
     Pompey the great went out of Rome, about foure yeares 
     before, to beginne this civill warre. For his sonnes, the 
     younger scaped from the battell: but within few dayes 
     after, Diddius brought the heade of the elder. This was 
     the last warre that Caesar made. But the triumphe he madeCaesars
     into Rome for the same, did as much offend the Romanes,triumphe
     and more, then any thing that ever he had done before:of Pompeis
     bicause he had not overcome Captaines that were straungers,sonnes.
     nor barbarous kinges, but had destroyed the sonnes of the 
     noblest man in Rome, whom fortune had overthrowen. And 
     bicause he had plucked up his race by the rootes, men did 
     not thinke it meete for him to triumphe so, for the calamities 
     of his contrie, rejoycing at a thing for the which he had but 
     one excuse to alleage in his defence, unto the gods and men: 
     that he was compelled to doe that he did. And the rather 
     they thought it not meete, bicause he had never before sent 
     letters nor messengers unto the common wealth at Rome, 
     for any victorie that he had ever wonne in all the civill 
     warres: but did alwayes for shame refuse the glorie of it. 
     This notwithstanding, the Romanes inclining to Caesars pro- 
     sperity, and taking the bit in the mouth, supposing that to 
     be ruled by one man alone, it would be a good meane for 
     them to take breth a litle, after so many troubles and 
     miseries as they had abidden in these civill warres: they 
     chose him perpetuall Dictator. This was a plaine tyranny:Caesar
     for to this absolute power of Dictator, they added this,Dictator
     never to be affraied to be deposed. Cicero propoundedperpetuall.
     before the Senate, that they should geve him such honors, 
     as were meete for a man: howbeit others afterwardes added 
     to, honors beyonde all reason. For, men striving who shoulde      
     most honor him, they made him hatefull and troublesome