Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 5 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 63.

      and people. Caesar was so offended withall, that he deprivedIULIUS
     Marullus and Flavius of their Tribuneshippes, and accusingCÆSAR
     them, he spake also against the people, and called them 
     Bruti, and Cumani, to witte, beastes, and fooles. Hereuppon 
     the people went straight unto Marcus Brutus, who from his 
     father came of the first Brutus, and by his mother, of the 
     house of the Servilians, a noble house as any was in Rome, 
     and was also nephew and sonne in law of Marcus Cato. 
     Notwithstanding, the great honors and favor Caesar shewed 
     unto him, kept him backe that of him selfe alone, he did not 
     conspire nor consent to depose him of his kingdom. For 
     Caesar did not onely save his life, after the battell of PharsaliaCaesar saved
     when Pompey fled, and did at his request also save manyMarcus
     more of his frendes besides: but furthermore, he put aBrutus life,
     marvelous confidence in him. For he had already preferredafter the
     him to the Praetorshippe for that yeare, and furthermore wasbattell of
     appointed to be Consul, the fourth yeare after that, havingPharsalia.
     through Caesars frendshippe, obtained it before Cassius, who 
     likewise made sute for the same: and Caesar also, as it is 
     reported, sayd in this contention, In deede Cassius hath 
     alleaged best reason, but yet shall be not be chosen before 
     Brutus. Some one day accusing Brutus while he practisedBrutus
     this conspiracy, Caesar would not heare, of it, but clappingconspireth
     his hande on his bodie, told them, Brutus will looke for thisagainst
     skinne: meaning thereby, that Brutus for his vertue, deservedCaesar.
     to rule after him, but yet, that for ambitions sake, he woulde 
     not shewe him selfe unthankefull nor dishonorable. Nowe 
     they that desired chaunge, and wished Brutus only their 
     Prince and Governour above all other: they durst not come 
     to him them selves to tell him what they woulde have him to 
     doe, but in the night did cast sundrie papers into the Praetors 
     seate where he gave audience, and the most of them to this 
     effect: Thou sleepest Brutus, and art not Brutus in deede. 
     Cassius finding Brutus ambition sturred up the more byCassius
     these seditious billes, did pricke him forwarde, and egge himstirreth up
     on the more, for a private quarrell be had conceived againstBrutus
     Caesar: the circumstance whereof, we have sette downe more     against
     at large in Brutus life. Caesar also had Cassius in greatCaesar.
     gelouzie, and suspected him much; whereuppon he sayd on