Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 5 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 65.

     heard his wife Calpurnia, being fast a sleepe, weepe and sigh,IULIUS
     and put forth many fumbling lamentable speaches. For sheCÆSAR
     dreamed that Caesar was slaine, and that she had him in herThe dreame
     armes. Others also doe denie that she had any suche dreame,of Calpurnia,
     as amongest other, Titus Livius wryteth, that it was in thisCaesars wife.
     sorte. The Senate having set upon the toppe of Caesars 
     house, for an ornament and setting foorth of the same, a 
     certaine pinnacle: Calpurnia dreamed that she sawe it broken 
     downe, and that she thought she lamented and wept for it. 
     Insomuch that Caesar rising in the morning, she prayed him 
     if it were possible, not to goe out of the dores that day, but 
     to adjorne the session of the Senate, untill an other day. 
     And if that he made no reckoning of her dreame, yet that 
     he woulde searche further of the Soothsayers by their sacri- 
     fices, to knowe what should happen him that day. Thereby 
     it seemed that Caesar likewise did feare and suspect somewhat, 
     bicause his wife Calpurnia untill that time, was never geven 
     to any feare or supersticion: and then, for that he saw her 
     so troubled in minde with this dreame she had. But much 
     more afterwardes, when the Soothsayers having sacrificed 
     many beastes one after an other, tolde him that none did 
     like them: then he determined to sende Antonius to adjorne 
     the session of the Senate. But in the meane time came 
     Decius Brutus, surnamed Albinus, in whom Caesar put such 
     confidence, that in his last will and testament he had ap- 
     pointed him to be his next heire, and yet was of the con- 
     spiracie with Cassius and Brutus: he fearing that if CaesarDecius Brutus
     did adjorne the session that day, the conspiracie woulde out,Albinus per-
     laughed the Soothsayers to scorne, and reproved Caesar, say-swasion to
     ing: that he gave the Senate occasion to mislike with him,Caesar.
     and that they might thinke he mocked them, considering 
     that by his commaundement they were assembled, and that 
     they were readie willingly to graunt him all thinges, and to 
     proclaime him king of all the provinces of the Empire of 
     Rome out of Italie, and that he should weare his Diadeame 
     in all other places, both by sea and land. And, furthermore, 
     that if any man should tell them from him, they should 
     departe for that present time, and returne againe when 
     Calpurnia shoulde have better dreames: what would his