Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 5 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 69.

     them, as if they had bene of the conspiracie, and falselyIULIUS
     chalenged parte of the honor with them: among them wasCÆSAR
     Caius Octavius, and Lentulus Spinther. But both of them 
     were afterwards put to death, for their vaine covetousnes of 
     honor, by Antonius, and Octavius Caesar the younger: and 
     yet had no parte of that honor for the which they were put 
     to death, neither did any man beleve that they were any of 
     the confederates, or of counsell with them. For they that 
     did put them to death, tooke revenge rather of the will they 
     had to offend, then of any fact they had committed. The 
     next morning, Brutus and his confederates came into the 
     market place to speake unto the people, who gave them such 
     audience, that it seemed they neither greatly reproved, nor 
     allowed the fact: for by their great silence they showed, that 
     they were sory for Caesars death, and also that they did rever- 
     ence Brutus. Nowe the Senate graunted generall pardonne 
     for all that was paste, and to pacifie every man, ordained 
     besides, that Caesars funeralls shoulde bee honored as a god,Caesars
     and established all thinges that he had done: and gave cer-funeralls.
     taine provinces also, and convenient honors unto Brutus and 
     his confederates, whereby every man thought all things were 
     brought to good peace and quietnes againe. But when they 
     had opened Caesars testament, and found a liberall legacie of 
     money, bequeathed unto every citizen of Rome, and that 
     they saw his body (which was brought into the market place) 
     al bemangled with gashes of swordes: then there was no 
     order to keepe the multitude and common people quiet, but 
     they plucked up formes, tables, and stooles, and layed them 
     all about the body, and setting them a fire, burnt the corse. 
     Then when the fire was well kindled, they tooke the fire- 
     brandes, and went unto their houses that had slaine Caesar, 
     to set them a fire. Other also ranne up and downe the citie 
     to see if they could meete with any of them, to cut them 
     in peeces: howbeit they could meete with never a man of 
     them, bicause they had locked them selves up safely in their 
     houses. There was one of Caesars frends called Cinna, thatCinnaes
     had a marvelous straunge and terrible dreame the nightdreame of
     before. He dreamed that Caesar bad him to supper, andCaesar.
     that he refused, and would not goe: then that Caesar tooke