Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 14.

MARCUS     he felt his mind a farre of: but Antonius finding his mean- 
ANTONIUS     ing, would harken no more unto it, and yet notwithstanding 
     never made Caesar acquainted with this talke, but had faith- 
Consultation     fully kept it to him self. After that they consulted whether 
about the     they should kil Antonius with Caesar. But Brutus would 
murther of     in no wise consent to it, saying: that ventring on such an 
Antonius with     enterprise as that, for the maintenance of law and justice, 
Caesar.     it ought to be clere from all villanie. Yet they fearing 
     Antonius power, and the authoritie of his office, appointed 
     certain of the conspiracy, that when Caesar were gone into  
     the Senate, and while others should execute their enterprise, 
     they should keepe Antonius in a talke out of the Senate 
     house. Even as they had devised these matters, so were 
     they executed: and Caesar was slaine in the middest of the 
     Senate. Antonius being put in a feare withall, cast a slaves 
     gowne upon him, and hid him selfe. But afterwards when 
     it was told him that the murtherers slue no man els, and 
     that they went onely into the Capitoll: he sent his sonne 
     unto them for a pledge, and bad them boldly come downe 
     upon his word. The selfe same day he did bid Cassius to 
     supper, and Lepidus also bad Brutus. The next morning 
     the Senate was assembled, and Antonius him selfe preferred 
     a lawe that all things past should be forgotten, and that 
     they should appoint provinces, unto Cassius and Brutus: 
     the which the Senate confirmed, and further ordeyned, 
     that they should cancell none of Caesars lawes. Thus went 
     Antonius out of the Senate more praysed, and better 
     esteemed, than ever man was: bicause it seemed to every 
     man that he had cut of all occasion of civill warres, and 
     that he had shewed him selfe a marvelous wise governor of 
     the common wealth, for the appeasing of these matters of so 
     great waight and importance. But nowe, the opinion he 
     conceived of him selfe after he had a litle felt the good will 
Antonius     of the people towards him, hoping thereby to make him 
maketh     selfe the chiefest man if he might overcome Brutus: did 
uprore among     easily make him alter his first mind. And therefore when 
the people,     Caesars body was brought to the place where it should be 
for the     buried, he made a funeral oration in commendacion of Caesar, 
murther of     according to the auncient custom of praising noble men at 
Caesar.        14