Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 19.

     wealth to her former libertie. Therefore he sent certaineMARCUS
     of his friends to Antonius, to make them friends againe:ANTONIUS
     and thereuppon all three met together, (to wete, Caesar, The con-
     Antonius, and Lepidus) in an Iland envyroned round about spiracie and
     with a litle river, and there remayned three dayes together. meeting of
     Now as touching all other matters, they were easily agreed, Caesar
     and did devide all the Empire of Rome betwene them, as if Antonius,
     it had bene their owne inheritance. But yet they could and Lepidus.
     hardly agree whom they would put to death: for every one 
     of them would kill their enemies, and save their kinsmen 
     and friends. Yet at length, giving place to their gredy 
     desire to be revenged of their enemies, they spurned all 
     reverence of bloud, and holines of friendship at their feete. 
     For Caesar left Cicero to Antonius will, Antonius also for- The proscrip-
     sooke Lucius Caesar, who was his Uncle by his mother:  tion of the
     and both of them together suffred Lepidus to kill his owne Triumviri.
     brother Paulus. Yet some writers affirme, that Caesar and 
     Antonius requested Paulus might be slain, and that Lepidus 
     was contented with it. In my opinion there was never a 
     more horrible, unnatural, and crueller chaunge then this 
     was. For thus chaunging murther for murther, they did 
     aswel kill those whom they did forsake and leave unto 
     others, as those also which others left unto them to kil: but 
     so much more was their wickednes and cruelty great unto 
     their friends, for that they put them to death being inno- 
     cents, and having no cause to hate them. After this plat 
     was agreed upon betwene them: the souldiers that were 
     thereabouts, would have this friendship and league betwixt 
     them confirmed by mariage, and that Caesar should mary 
     Claudia, the daughter of Fulvia, and Antonius wife. This 
     mariage also being agreed upon, they condemned three 
     hundred of the chiefest citizens of Rome, to be put to 
     death by proscription. And Antonius also commaunded Antonius
     them to whom he had geven commission to kil Cicero, that cruelty unto
     they should strik of his head and right hand, with the which   Cicero.
     he had written the invective Orations (called Philippides) 
     against Antonius. So when the murtherers brought him 
     Ciceroes head and hand cut of, he beheld them a long time 
     with great joy and laughed hartily, and that oftentimes for 