Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 208.

MARCUS    armye neare to Rome, he made him selfe to be chosen 
BRUTUS    Consul, whether the Senate would or not, when he was yet 
    but a strippling or springal of twenty yeare old, as him selfe 
    reporteth in his owne Commentaries. So when he was 
    Consul, he presently appoynted Iudges to accuse Brutus and 
    his companions, for killing of the noblest person in Rome, 
    and chiefest Magistrate, without law or judgement: and 
    made L. Cornificius accuse Brutus, and M. Agrippa, Cassius. 
Brutus    So, the parties accused were condemned, bicause the Iudges 
accused, and    were compelled to give such sentence. The voyce went, 
condemned,    that when the Herauld (according to the custom after sen- 
by Octavius    tence given) went up to the chair or pulpit for orations, and 
Caesars    proclaymed Brutus with a lowd voyce, summoning him to 
meanes, for    appeare in person before the Iudges: the people that stoode 
the death of    by sighed openly, and the noble men that were present 
Iulius Caesar.    honge downe their heads, and durst not speake a word. 
    Among them, the teares fell from Publius Silicius eyes: 
    who shortly after, was one of the proscripts or outlawes 
The Trium-    appoynted to be slayne. After that, these three Octavius 
virate.    Caesar, Antonius, and Lepidus, made an agreement betwene 
    them selves, and by those articles devided the provinces 
    belonging to the Empire of Rome amonge them selves, 
    and did set up billes of proscription and outlary, con- 
    demning two hundred of the noblest men of Rome to suffer 
    death, and among that number, Cicero was one. Newes 
    being brought thereof into Macedon, Brutus being then 
    inforced to it, wrote unto Hortensius, that he should put 
C. Antonius    Caius Antonius to death, to be revenged of the death of 
murdered.    Cicero, and of the other Brutus, of the which the one was 
    his friend, and the other his kinseman. For this cause 
    therefore, Antonius afterwards taking Hortensius at the 
    battell of Philippes, he made him to be slayne upon his 
    brothers tombe. But then Brutus sayd, that he was more 
    ashamed of the cause for the which Cicero was slayne, then 
    he was otherwise sory for his death: and that he could not 
    but greatly reprove his friendes he had at Rome, who were 
    slaves more through their owne fault, then through their 
    valliantnes or manhood which usurped the tyranny: con- 
    sidering that they were so cowardly and faynt hearted, as to 