Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 240.

DION    that with divers men, of all the which, not a man of them 
AND    once fayled him: but it is rather to be thought, that from 
BRUTUS    the beginning he chose them honest men, or else that by 
    his choyse of them, he made them good men. Whereas 
    Dion, either from the beginning made no wise choyse in 
    trusting of evill men, or else bicause he could not tell how 
    to use them he had chosen: of good men he made them 
    become evill, so that neither the one nor the other coulde 
    be the parte of a wise man. For Plato him selfe reproveth 
    him, for that he had chosen suche men for his frendes, that 
    he was slaine by them, and after he was slaine, no man 
Brutus    woulde then revenge his death. And in contrarie maner, of 
honored of    the enemies of Brutus, the one (who was Antonius) gave his 
his enemies    bodie honorable buriall: and Octavius Caesar the other, re- 
after his    served his honors and memories of him. For at Millayne, 
death.    (a citie of Gaule on Italie side) there was an image of his 
    in brasse, verie like unto him: the which Caesar afterwardes 
    passing that way, behelde verie advisedly, for that it was 
    made by an excellent workeman, and was verie like him, 
    and so went his way. Then he stayed sodainly againe, and 
    called for the Governors of the citie, and before them all 
    tolde them, that the citizens were his enemies, and traitors 
Brutus image    unto him, bicause they kept an enemie of his among them. 
or statue    The Governors of the citie at the first were astonied at it, 
standing in    and stowtlie denyed it: and none of them knowing what 
brasse in    enemie he ment, one of them looked on an other. Octavius 
Millaine, was    Caesar then turning him unto Brutus statue, bending his 
preserved and    browes, sayd unto them: This man you see standing up here, 
kept by Octa-    is he not our enemie? Then the Governors of the citie were 
vius Caesar.    worse affrayed then before, and could not tel what answere 
    to make him. But Caesar laughing, and commending the 
    Gaules for their faithfulnes to their frendes, even in 
    their adversities: he was contented Brutus 
    image should stand still as it did. 